The Radiation Protection Authority of Zimbabwe advises all entities involved in practices and activities listed below to conduct NORM assessments and submit findings to the Authority by 31 December 2018 in fulfillment of the Radiation Protection (Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material) Regulations (Statutory Instrument 99 of 2013).
- Mining and comminution of ore,
- Physical mineral separation processes,
- Wet chemical extraction processes,
- Thermal processes for extraction,
- Processing and combustion of minerals;
(Mining and mineral processing, Industrial and Mining Laboratories, Refractories, Refurbishers, Water Treatment and Purification , Facilities involved in production and processing of Ceramics and Building Materials, quarry mining, Scrap Processors and Smelters, Fertilizers Producers, Thermal power stations, boilers and coking coal producers . )
Entities are further advised that assessments should only be conducted by persons and radiochemical analysis laboratories accredited by the Authority and according to specific guidance issued by the Authority.
The Radiation Protection Authority of Zimbabwe (RPAZ) is a statutory body established under the Radiation Protection Act [Chapter 15:15] of 2004 with a mandate to protect people, both current and future generations and the environment against effects of radiation.
The official document can be found here.
For further inquiries please contact us at 1 McCaw Drive, Avondale, Harare, and Phone number 0242335627, 0242335683, 0242304982, 0242308006